Enrollment for Fall Semester 2019 is opening on Wednesday. Now is the time to register for Fall 2019 classes!
You have your choices of our new Fall Semester 2019 courses:
- Dogmatic Theology (What the Church teaches, and why)
- Comparative Theology (Orthodoxy, heterodoxy, and all that jazz!)
- Moral Theology & Bioethics (How we determine good from evil)
Or any of the previously offered classes from last year:
- Old Testament (intro to Scripture study and interpretation)
- New Testament 1 (The Gospels, Acts, and Revelation)
- New Testament 2 (The Apostolic Epistles)
- Patristics (study of the early Church Fathers – fantastic for apologetics!)
- Canon Law (an overview of how the Church actually governs itself)
- Church History (the real story of the spread of Christianity in society)
Remember, classes start on Friday, September 13th. If you haven’t submitted an application, or your application is incomplete – now is your chance.
It’s going to be an exciting year at the GME Academy. You won’t want to miss it.
This year, we’ve had many requests to Audit classes, so we are now including an option to audit as part of your enrollment.
And frankly, why let another year go by without advancing your spiritual knowledge?
Preaching, teaching, and pastoral work requires study, and a broad knowledge of the necessary topics to drive important teachings home with spirit and conviction.
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