Christ is Born! Glorify Him!
We here at Good Guys Wear Black wish every good thing for you and your loved ones this Nativity. If you are celebrating Nativity tomorrow, enjoy the feast. If you are celebrating on the Julian Calendar, God bless your longsuffering and patience! If you are traveling, travel safely by God’s grace. If you are with loved ones, cherish and savor the time together.
Keep the day in high festival! Celebrate the mystery of our faith with gladness, thanksgiving and joy!
REMEMBER, your current parish in your first assignment, even before seminary. Serve with love.
Remember in your holy prayers;
- Children who have no one to care for them,
- Those who have no one to pray for them,
- Children in the womb and their mothers,
- The lonely and disaffected,
- Those who labor to provide for themselves and others,
- Victims of violence, civil unrest, crime and war,
- and your unworthy friends at GGWB.
Don’t be alone on these glorious days of the Nativity feast!
As you seek and search your way on the path the Lord Jesus Christ has called you to, remember that we are praying for you also.
Christ is Born! Glorify Him!
Christ is born! Glorify Him!!!! Wishing all of you a blessed Christmas season!!! Thank you for your messages!!!! Always a great boost to our spiritual journey!!!!